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Category: Community
The Highly Anticipated UDF is Accepting Applications for the Next FEAST!
Greetings! Hope all of you enjoyed your summer with family, friends, and fun! The organizing members of UDF are happy to announce the next FEAST, November 18, 2017@ First Congregational Church UCC in Kalamazoo, MI.
Go to the Apply link on the site to get locations for hard copies of the application as well as information on where to submit.
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What does Democracy Looks Like: Urban Democracy Feast
POST OFFICE BOX NO. 2523, KALAMAZOO 49003~PHONE 269-388-3809
The Urban Democracy Feast: Supporting Local Social Justice Projects Saturday, 25 March 2017 at 4:30 p.m.
Since 2015, a group of community organizations have started a face-to-face crowd funding process. This process occurs over a meal so we can exchange information about shared problems, common obstacles and ways to overcome them. So far we have had three events, in May 2015, December of 2015, and November 2016 where we have raised more than $3000.00 to support social justice projects demonstrating direct democracy and accountability. We define social justice as equal access to all the resources and services. More information about the FEAST and the awardees can be found on our web page,
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